Successfully getting all the stat checks in Dahlia's Genie Flask storyline ends with the player character, Joy, Calculester, Aarvi and Damien rescuing Dahlia from Camp Rival Camp and Dimitri's machinations. Especially Brian dozing off while Milo leans against him. Pretty much the entirety of the credits, which are animated this time around, and just depict everyone hanging out at camp and having a good time with each other. His infatuation with Vera is very cute on a Polaroid in which he is excited about seeing her smile. The personalized polaroids when you get a date, or secret ending are particularly cool, due to reaffirming your character's nature: an Adorkable high schooler with a big crush on their classmates. It's an Awesome Music over a montage of the main character being friends in a bunch of nice situations. All the Polaroids, really, the entire ending theme. It shows them leading their armies into battle together, in quite an uplifting display of teamwork and selflessness from the two of them (even if it is heavily implied to be a Bolivian Army Ending). Though PRANK MASTERZ is a huge Downer Ending second only to EEL, there is something strangely heartwarming about Damien and Miranda's polaroid. Its really nice to know that Asexuality and Aromanticism is represented in the game. The SUPPORT GROUP Ending has Coach and Kale as apart of an asexual support group, due to the horny hijinks of the world. From developing a friendship with Scott (the core love interest she arguably has the least in common with) after she learns he's an orphan, to being bullied and finding acceptance with her adoptive family, she's not as quite as ice-cold as she seems. The ICE QUEEN ending goes into Vera's backstory. Despite her selfish nature and homicidal rule, she meant a lot to her friends, and they're devastated that she's gone. Unlike most depictions of death in this game, Miranda's is played dead seriously. All of them are clearly and openly grieving her death, with Polly in particular openly weeping while hugging Miranda's In Memoriam photo. After Miranda's death, the usual Polaroids of the cast having fun is replaced with Polaroids of the cast at Miranda's funeral. Though it definitely crosses over with Tear Jerker territory, the EEL ending qualifies as this. At the end of the route, Valerie redeems your coupon, with said date turning out to be her inviting you to dinner at the Oberlin household.
Throughout the route, you and Valerie get gifts for Valerie's' classmates and friends, before you surprise her with a gift of her own.
The Gift Update adds a new item to the Gift Box: A coupon for a date with Valerie.after a scene in which Scott calls Coach a surrogate dad and Vera informs Scott that "you remind me that life doesn't always need to be hell, and that people don't always need to be shitty". The ending CG features Scott, Vera, Coach, and the Wolfpack all hanging out in a happy group. This admission prompts Vera (who, having been an orphan, understands how he feels) and Coach to assure him that family doesn't need to be all about blood, and that family can be the ones a person cares about.
Culminating in him admitting that what seems like his usual ditzy behavior over the whole affair is kind of him just trying to cope with wanting to find them. Scott reveals to you and Vera that he never knew his parents, and becomes preoccupied with identifying who they are.
The Christmas update adds several new endings, of which the DRAWING route deserves special mention. As a result, love is seen as important in that particular circle. As such, this is how the pair fell in love. Even further, we get some backstory on how Damien's dads met: both were fighting to conquer the Eighth Circle of Hell and decide to form an alliance. Damien opens up about his passion in wanting to be a hairdresser, and how he's worried about how his dads will take it. Hope and Faith tell her to go and enjoy herself while they handle the latest quest. After spending so long trying to determine the formula for the "perfect party" and indulging in your findings at prom, you and Polly end up watching the sunrise as she says, rather gently, that she thinks the formula to a perfect party is "sharing it with the right people" as you two hold hands.
He even admits having fallen for the player through this. Liam accepts all the cliched tropes he is living through and is crying Tears of Joy from being elected.